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Education Jobs Hampshire
News & Blog
DFE confirms £320m for PE and sports in primary schools to continue
25.06.2021Last week, the DFE finally confirms primary schools will continue to receive the £320 million PE and sports premium for the next academic year 2021-22.
EYFS safeguarding & welfare guidance update
17.06.2021The essential guide and changes for Early Years providers and practitioners about the forthcoming safeguarding and welfare changes in the new statutory framework and how to prepare for it now.
DFE announce £1.4bn education recovery plan
08.06.2021Prime minister announces the next step in the education recovery plan and to boost education for those children affected by the pandemic.
Ofsted to review the impact its Inspection Framework has on Staff Wellbeing
01.06.2021The Department of Education have released their new ‘Education Staff Wellbeing Charter’ with Oftsed. The charter was created in collaboration with teachers unions, schools and the 'Mind' mental health charity.